Strumenti Utente

Strumenti Sito




Teaching assistant:


  • [27-12-2019]: Results second midterm test and proposal for oral exam: results-second-midtermtest.pdf. If the proposed date and/or time is not fine for you please write me an email.
  • [26-11-2019]: Additional Lectures: Friday, Nov 29, 14-16 room L1 and Friday, Dec 06, 14-16 room M.
  • [23-11-2019]: Exam of the first mid-term test: Results
  • [21-11-2019]: Instructions for the SSAS project in the Lecture of today: to avoid conflicts in deployment/process follow this steps once the solution is opened: (1) rename the project as <your account>_foodmart (2) from project properties select 'Deployment', then rename the database as <your account>_foodmart; (3) click on the button “show all files” just above “Solution explorer” right click on “view code” on the .database file that is visualized, and then change the ID from ruggieri_foodmart into <your account>_foodmart, and finally save the file; (4) change the credentials of connection to database on SQL Server. As an alternative solution you mayimport the project from the SSAS server and rename it as <your account>_foodmart (step 4 is still necessary).
  • [18-11-2019]: The lesson of Tuesday 19/11/2019 will be canceled.
  • [02-11-2019]: Since we will do the mid-term on 5 Nov the next week the lesson of Thursday will be canceled
  • [31-10-2019]: On November 4, 11-13, in Room C I'm organising an additional lesson dedicated to practice for the written exam.
  • [02-10-2019]: Instructions for Microsoft tools installation are available in the Software section.
  • [09-09-2019]: Lessons will start on Tuesday, 24th. Please, see details below.

Hours and Rooms


Lessons will be held at: Polo Didattico “L. Fibonacci”, Via F. Buonarroti 4, Pisa.

Day of Week Hour Room
Tuesday 11:00 - 13:00 LAB M
Thursday 11:00 - 13:00 LAB M

Office hours by appointment, Room 374/DO, Dept. of Computer Science.

Learning Material

Slides & Registration of the classes

  • The slides used in the course will be inserted in the calendar after each class.
  • Registration of each lecture will be published in the calendar after each class

Past Exams



Class calendar - (2019-2020)

Day Topic Slides Registration Data/Software References
17.09 11:00-13:00 Canceled - The lesson will be recovered.
19.09 11:00-13:00 Canceled - The lesson will be recovered.
1. 24.09 11:00-13:00 Introduction. File data access. Representation formats: CSV, FLV, ARFF, XML2019-lds.01.introduction.pdf 2019-lds.02.bi_architectures.pdf lds.03.file_data_access.pdf Video on Introduction Video on File Access - BI technology: An Overview of Business Intelligence Technology - File access: File System Interface - File Formats: Introduction to data technologies(Chps. 5, 6), Weka ARFF Format, XRFF Format
2. 26.09 11:00-13:00 Python Recap Python Recap Video 26/09/2019
3. 01.10 11:00-13:00 File data access in Python. Lab practice on file access. lds.05.fileaccess-python.pdf Video File Access - Python Sample data
4. 03.10 11:00-13:00 Lab practice on file access and transformation from CSV2ARFF file format. Video CSV2ARFF
5. 08.10 11:00-13:00 Lab practice on file access. Video ex-customers.pdf
6. 10.10 11:00-13:00 Practice + RDBMS access protocols: ODBC, OLE DB, JDBC. ODBC Programming. lbi.06.relationaldataaccess-1.pdf Video on RDBMS access - Part1 SolutionEx: 2018-10-09
7. 15.10 11:00-13:00 Lab practice: stratified sampling in ODBC. lbi.06.relational_data_access-complete.pdf Video on RDBMS access - Part2
8. 17.10 11:00-13:00 Introduction to SQL Server. ETL tools: SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). lds.07.sqlserver.pdf lds.08.etlandssis.pdfVideo on Sol. Stratified Sampling and ETL tools
9. 22.10 11:00-13:00 SSIS samples and lab practice pipeline. Video on SISS ex-midterm.pdf
10. 24.10 11:00-13:00 SSIS Dissimilarity - Mid-term practice exam 14/4/2015
11. 29.10 11:00-13:00 Stratified Sampling + Update Exercises: 20190618.pdf 20190401.pdf
12. 31.10 11:00-13:00 Practice for Midterm 20190206.pdf
13. 04.11 11:00-13:00 Practice for Midterm Ex. Python
14. 12.11 11:00-13:00 SSIS: surrogate keys, slowly changing dimensions Video 2019-11-12
15. 14.11 11:00-13:00 Datawarehousing and OLAP recap. Data cubes, analytic SQL, and materialized views in SQL Server. lds.09.dwandolap.pdf Video 2019-11-14
10.11 11:00-13:00 Cancelled
16. 21.11 11:00-13:00 OLAP with SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS): data source views, dimensions, hierarchies. Data cubes. lds.10.ssas.pdf First Video 21/11/2019 Second Video 21/11/2019 Notice: Please read the instructions in the Section NEWS! 1) SSAS (olap): documentation; 2) S. Harinath et al. Professional Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 with MDX and DAX, Wrox publisher, 2012. Chps. 4-6.
17.26.11 11:00-13:00 Parent-child hierarchies. OLAP explorative data analysis with Pivot Tables in Excel. Video 26/11/2019 Pivot Tables in Excel: G. Harvey. Excel 2013 All-in-One For Dummies, 2013. Chp. VII-2.
18.28.11 11:00-13:00 ROLAP and MOLAP in SSAS. MDX. Video 28/11/2019 MDX: 1) documentation and a useful guide on ordering; 2) S. Harinath ed al. Professional Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2012 with MDX and DAX, Wrox publisher, 2012. Chp. 3.
19.29.11 11:00-13:00 Calculated metrics. MDX Demo. Video on ExcelReport Video on MDXQuries foodmartexplorative.xlsx
20.03.12 11:00-13:00 Practice with MDX. Thi part is covered by the previous video
21.05.12 11:00-13:00 Practice with MDX Video 5/12/19
22.06.12 11:00-13:00 Reporting with Power BI Desktop. Data Mining pre-processing in WEKA. lds.12.powerbi.pdf lds.13.weka.pdf Video 6/12/19
23.10.12 11:00-13:00 API WEKA lds.15.wekaapi.pdf Video 10/12/2019 training set for exercise on Weka validation set for exercise on Weka Python example for WEKA API
24.12.12 11:00-13:00 Practice for the second midterm Queries to solve with MDX (this file is a more complete version of that one published the last lecture) Exercise on MDX Solution Ex.


Mid-term exams

Rule: Students may do the second mid-term even if they did have the first mid-term.

Date Hour Room Notes Marks
5/11/2019 14:00 H
17/12/2019 14:00 M

Exam sessions

Rule: Students having at least one mid-term exam may do only one part of the written exam in the exam sessions.

Session Date Time Room Notes Marks

Extra sessions A.A. 2018/19

Date Time Room Notes Results
5/11/2019 14:00 H

Past Editions

mds/lbi/lds_2019-2020.txt · Ultima modifica: 04/11/2022 alle 12:17 (22 mesi fa) da Salvatore Ruggieri

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