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Data Mining for Customer Relationship Management 2018



Organizations and business are overwhelmed by the flood of data continuously collected into their data warehouses and arriving from external sources – the Web above all. Traditional exploratory techniques may fail to make sense of the data, due to its inherent complexity and size. Data mining and knowledge discovery techniques emerged as an alternative approach, aimed at revealing patterns, rules and models hidden in the data, and at supporting the analytical user to develop descriptive and predictive models for a number of business problems. This short course focusses on the main applications scenarios of data mining to challenging problems in the broad CRM domain - Customer Relationship Management.


  • Clustering models for customer segmentation. Discussion of real cases. Hands-on project: segmentation of a base of anonymized customers from the retail industry. Clustering models for competitive intelligence.
  • Patterns and association rule mining for market basket analysis. Hands-on project: mining association rules from sales data of the retail industry.
  • Prediction models for promotion performance and churn analysis. Discussion of real cases. Hands-on project: churn prediction from a base of anonymized customers from the retail industry.
  • Analysis of human mobility patterns by mobility data mining from big data. Mining official data for understanding of human behavior.
  • Social network analysis for undestanding diffusion phenomena. Viral marketing.
  • Application of data mining to geo-marketing. Analysis of innovators. Predictive models for fraud detection.


  • Slides (see Calendar).
  • Gordon S. Linoff e Michael J. Berry. Data Mining Techniques: For Marketing, Sales, and Customer Relationship Management. Wiley, 2011.

Reading about the "data analyst" job

  • Data, data everywhere. The Economist, Feb. 2010 download
  • Data scientist: The hot new gig in tech, CNN & Fortune, Sept. 2011 link
  • Welcome to the yotta world. The Economist, Sept. 2011 download


Date Topic Learning material Instructor
01. 15.05.2018 - 09:00-13:00 Introduction to data mining and big data analytics slides: intro slides: case studies Giannotti
02. 15.05.2018 - 14:00-18:00 Data understanding; data preparation; Knime tutorial slides slides data understanding Tutorial Knime 01_titanic_data_understanding Pedreschi, Guidotti
03. 16.05.2018 - 09:00-13:00 Clustering analysis & customer segmentation slides clustering slides customer segmentation Pedreschi
04. 16.05.2018 - 14:00-18:00 Clustering analysis: esercizi con Knime 02_titanic_clustering Pedreschi, Guidotti
05. 17.05.2018 - 09:00-13:00 Classification & prediction slides classification Visual Introduction to Classification with Decision Trees Pedreschi
06. 17.05.2018 - 14:00-18:00 Classification & prediction: esercizi con Knime 05_titanic_classification Pedreschi, Guidotti
07. 18.05.2018 - 09:00-13:00 Pattern and association rule mining & market basket analysis PatternMining-AR Giannotti
08. 18.05.2018 - 14:00-18:00 Pattern and association rule mining: esercizi con Knime 03_titanic_pattern 04_coop_pattern Giannotti, Guidotti
09. 21.05.2018 - 09:00-13:00 More on Classification slides classification Visual Introduction to Classification with Decision Trees Giannotti, Pedreschi, Guidotti
10. 21.05.2018 - 14:00-18:00 Prediction models for promotion performance and churn analysis slides Survey of DM applications in CRM Mining changes in customer behavior in retail marketing Giannotti, Guidotti
11. 22.05.2018 - 09:00-13:00 Social network analysis: fundamentals slides Pedreschi
12. 22.05.2018 - 14:00-18:00 Mobility Data Mining & Privacy {{ :dm:5.dml-ml-privacy_etica-.pdf |}} Giannotti




Each group (2-3 people) is required to deliver a report (max 20 pages including all figures) describing the methods adopted and the discussion of the most interesting achieved results with reference to the tasks listed below. Assume that the report is targeted to a marketing strategist, who is interested to learn the story inferred in the various data mining analyses and to receive suggestions on how to take appropriate actions as a consequence.

1. Data Understanding: useful as a preliminary step to capture basic data property. Distribution analysis, statistical exploration, correlation analysis, suitable transformation of variables and elimination of redundant variables, management of missing values.

2. Pattern Mining Analysis. Problem: prepare data and extract interesting association rules and frequent patterns. The report should discuss the parameters used for the analyses, justifying your findings related to the most interesting rules according to the different measure introduced in the course.

3. Customer Segmentation. Problem: find a high-quality clustering using clustering algorithms and discuss the profile of each found cluster (in terms of the properties that describe the properties of the customers of each cluster). The report should illustrate the adopted clustering methodology and the cluster interpretation. In particular, in case of k-means, it is necessary to discuss the identification of the best value of k and the characterisation of the obtained clusters by using both analysis of the k centroids and comparison of the statistics of variables within the clusters with that in the whole dataset.

4. Classification Analysis. Problem: find a high-quality decision tree for predicting a feature of a customer. The report should illustrate the adopted classification methodology and the decision tree validation and interpretation, describing also the process adopted to select the proposed tree, together with its quality evaluation.

Deadline: send the report by email to all instructors within 22 June 2018. Specify [MAINS] in the subject of the email.


The exam consists in the evaluation of the report of the proposed mining exercises.

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