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tdm:biss09 [08/03/2009 alle 13:10 (16 anni fa)] Dino Pedreschitdm:biss09 [07/04/2009 alle 11:11 (16 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Dino Pedreschi
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   * Co-author of the course: **Fosca Giannotti** (KDD LAB, ISTI-CNR, Pisa)  [[]]   * Co-author of the course: **Fosca Giannotti** (KDD LAB, ISTI-CNR, Pisa)  [[]]
-  * Acknowledgements to colleagues **Mirco Nanni** (KDDLAB, ISTI-CNR, Pisa) and **Francesco Bonchi** (Yahoo! Research, Barcelona)+  * Acknowledgements to colleagues **Vipin Kumar** (University of Minnesota), **Jiawei Han** (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), **Mirco Nanni** (KDDLAB, ISTI-CNR, Pisa)**Francesco Bonchi** (Yahoo! Research, Barcelona) 
 ====== Summary ====== ====== Summary ======
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 Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber. [[|Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques]], 2nd ed. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006. (slides downloadable) Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber. [[|Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques]], 2nd ed. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2006. (slides downloadable)
 +Xindong Wu et al. [[ | Top 10 algorithms in data mining]]. Knowledge and Information Systems (2008) 14:1–37.
 ====== Lecture slides ====== ====== Lecture slides ======
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   * Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery {{:tdm:giannottipedreschi.mdmp.biss.09.pdf| Pedreschi}} {{:tdm:chap1_intro.pdf| Kumar, chapter 1}}   * Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery {{:tdm:giannottipedreschi.mdmp.biss.09.pdf| Pedreschi}} {{:tdm:chap1_intro.pdf| Kumar, chapter 1}}
   * Preprocessing & data exploration {{:tdm:chap2_data.pdf| Kumar, chapter 2}} {{:tdm:chap3_data_exploration.pdf| Kumar, chapter 3}}   * Preprocessing & data exploration {{:tdm:chap2_data.pdf| Kumar, chapter 2}} {{:tdm:chap3_data_exploration.pdf| Kumar, chapter 3}}
-  * Cluster analysis {{:tdm:chap8_basic_cluster_analysis.pdf| Kumar, chapter 8}} +  * Cluster analysis {{:tdm:chap8_basic_cluster_analysis.pdf| Kumar, chapter 8}}  {{:tdm:han.clustering.ppt| Han chapter 7}} 
-  * Classification {{:tdm:chap4_basic_classification.pdf| Kumar, chapter 4}} +  * Classification {{:tdm:chap4_basic_classification.pdf| Kumar, chapter 4}} {{:tdm:han.classification.ppt| Han chapter 6}} 
-  * Frequent patterns and association rules {{:tdm:chap6_basic_association_analysis.pdf| Kumar, chapter 6}}+  * Frequent patterns and association rules {{:tdm:chap6_basic_association_analysis.pdf| Kumar, chapter 6}} {{:tdm:han.frequentpatterns.ppt| Han chapter 5}}
 **Frontiers of Data Mining research** **Frontiers of Data Mining research**
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   * Privacy-preserving data mining {{:tdm:2._privacypreservingtechnologies_pedreschi_.pdf| Giannotti Pedreschi short tutorial}} {{:tdm:tutorialpakdd07-giannottipedreschi.pdf| Giannotti Pedreschi long tutorial}}   * Privacy-preserving data mining {{:tdm:2._privacypreservingtechnologies_pedreschi_.pdf| Giannotti Pedreschi short tutorial}} {{:tdm:tutorialpakdd07-giannottipedreschi.pdf| Giannotti Pedreschi long tutorial}}
   * Graph mining and complex network analysis {{:tdm:wma.sna.pedreschi.1.pdf| Pedreschi 1}} {{:tdm:wma.sna.pedreschi.2.pdf| Pedreschi 2}} {{:tdm:wma.sna.pedreschi.3.pdf| Pedreschi 3}} {{:tdm:wma.sna.pedreschi.4.pdf| Pedreschi 4}}   * Graph mining and complex network analysis {{:tdm:wma.sna.pedreschi.1.pdf| Pedreschi 1}} {{:tdm:wma.sna.pedreschi.2.pdf| Pedreschi 2}} {{:tdm:wma.sna.pedreschi.3.pdf| Pedreschi 3}} {{:tdm:wma.sna.pedreschi.4.pdf| Pedreschi 4}}
 +====== Students ======
 +  - Aiello Luca Maria
 +  - Barbierato Enrico
 +  - Bosio Gianni
 +  - Camporesi Ferdinanda
 +  - Ferraioli Diodato
 +  - Ferreira Rui
 +  - Halder Raju
 +  - Kreautsevich Leanid
 +  - Leonardi Luca
 +  - Lutteri Emiliano
 +  - Madhavamandiram Rajan Deepak
 +  - Marengo Elisa
 +  - Mauro Jacopo
 +  - Mencagli Gabriele
 +  - Mezzetti Enrico
 +  - Muratori Ludovico Antonio
 +  - Nurrachmat Andi
 +  - Olivieri Chiara
 +  - Ottaviano Giuseppe
 +  - Panisson André
 +  - Panozzo Daniele
 +  - Pardini Luca
 +  - Peroni Silvio
 +  - Petrucci Andrea
 +  - Pomponiu Victor
 +  - Porreca Antonio Enrico
 +  - Pozzani Gabriele
 +  - Puech Matthias
 +  - Rama Aureliano
 +  - Rodolà Emanuele
 +  - Seraghiti Andrea
 +  - Spanò Alvise
 +  - Sugavam Swaminathan
 +  - Tolomei Gabriele
 +  - Triossi Andrea
 +  - Turroni Francesco
 +  - Vairo Claudio Francesco
 +  - Valsecchi Andrea
 +  - Vernero Fabiana
 +  - Vezzi Francesco
 +  - Visconti Alessia
 +  - Vitale Fabio
 +  - Zaccagnino Rocco
 +  - Zanioli Matteo
 +====== Exams ======
 +The exam for this course consists of a term paper, reporting
 +  * a reasoned survey on a specific area of data mining research, or 
 +  * a project consisting either in the analytical experiment over a challenging dataset, or in the development of a data mining algorithm. 
 +The exam can be conducted in teams, and should be preferably close to the research interest of the candidate, exploiting the interdisciplinary nature of data mining and knowledge discovery.
 +The students willing to give the exam should send an email with subject [BISS09] to the instructor, specifying the chosen subject for the work, and the list of participants in the team. Once negotiated with the instructor, the assigned teamwork will be inserted in this wiki, were also the final report wil be published (in pdf format). The exam must be completed within 2009.
 +**Project assignments**
 +  - Rocco Zaccagnino, Diodato Ferraioli (UniSA). Data Mining and Computer Music. Analisi (armonica, melodica e ritmica) di composizioni musicali, mediante l'estrazione di informazioni significative. Survey.
 +  - Emanuele Rodolà, Andrea Seraghiti, Andrea Petrucci (UniVE, UniVR). Application of LOF Method for Detecting Outliers in Range Scanner Datasets. Project.
 +  - Silvio Peroni (UniBO). Web page categorization via clustering. Project.
 +  - Gabriele Pozzani (UniVR). Spatio-temporal data mining. Survey.
 +  - Francesco Vezzi (UniUD). Data mining for bioinformatics. Survey.
 +  - Raju Halder, Luca Leonardi, Andrea Triossi, Matteo Zanioli. Feature detection in real-time frame-rate applications. Project.
 +  - Enrico Barbierato (UniTO). Implementazione di classificatore Naive Bayes / Bayesian Networks. Project.
 +  - Andrea Valsecchi, Antonio Enrico Porreca. Anti-spam filter based on Naive Bayes classification. Project.
 +  - Daniele Panozzo, Chiara Olivieri. Recent development in clustering techniques: Spectral and Kernel-Based Methods. Survey / project.
 +  - Francesco Turroni, Enrico Mezzetti, Jacopo Mauro, Ludovico Antonio Muratori. Multiclass text categorization with Support Vector Machines. Project.
tdm/biss09.1236517823.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 08/03/2009 alle 13:10 (16 anni fa) da Dino Pedreschi

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