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-====== Statistical Methods for Data Science A.Y. 2019/20 ====== 
-  * **Salvatore Ruggieri** 
-    * Università di Pisa 
-    * [[]] 
-    * [[]]    
-  * **Office hours** 
-    * Tuesday h 14:00 - 17:00, Department of Computer Science, room 321/DO. 
-    * **Office hours only via skype. Skype contact: salvatore.ruggieri** 
-**Dates are preliminary.** 
-^  Day of Week  ^  Hour  ^  Room  ^  
-|  Tuesday |  16:00 - 18:00  |  <del>Fib-L1</del> Distance Learning  
-|  Wednesday|  9:00 - 11:00  |  <del>Fib-A1</del> Distance Learning  | 
-Students should be comfortable with most of the topics on mathematical calculus covered in: 
-  * **[P]** J. Ward, J. Abdey. **Mathematics and Statistics**. University of London, 2013. __Chapters 1-8 of Part 1__. 
-Extra-lessons refreshing such notions may be planned in the first part of the course. 
-=====Mandatory Teaching Material===== 
-The following are //mandatory text books//: 
-  * **[T]** F.M. Dekking C. Kraaikamp, H.P. Lopuha, L.E. Meester. **A Modern Introduction to Probability and Statistics**. Springer, 2005. 
-  * **[R]** P. Dalgaard. **Introductory Statistics with R**. 2nd edition, Springer, 2008. 
-  * [[|R]] 
-  * [[|R Studio]] 
-=====Preliminary program and calendar===== 
-  * [[|Preliminary program]]. 
-  * [[|Calendar of lessons]]. 
-=====Student project===== 
-  * The project can be done in groups of at most 3 students. 
-  * The project must be delivered (report + code) by end of July. 
-  * The oral discussion must be done by the September session, and it will cover both the project and all topics of the course. 
-  * The project replaces the written exam but **students have to [[|register for the written dates]] in order to fill the student's questionnaire**. 
-  * Groups ready to discuss send the project to the teacher plus availability time slots for oral discussion. 
-  * {{ :mds:smd:smd.project.2020.pdf | Project presentation slides}} and [[|project info audio-video (.flv)]] and [[|project data audio-video (.flv)]]. 
-  * [[|Google Drive project directory]] (accessible only to authorized students) 
-=====Written exam===== 
-__//There are no mid-terms//.__ The exam consists of a written part and an oral part. The written part consists of exercises on the topics of the course. Each question is assigned a grade, summing up to 30 points. Students are admitted to the oral part if they receive a grade of at least 18 points. Written exam consists of open questions and exercises. Example written texts: **{{ :mds:smd:smdsample.pdf | sample1}}**, **{{ :mds:smd:smdsample2.pdf | sample2}}**. Oral consists of critical discussion of the written part and of open questions and problem solving on the topics of the course.\\ 
-**Online exams:** during the COVID-19 restrictions, the written part and the oral part will be online. For the written part, students will connect to [[ | Google Meet]] (room code: 500PP) and will activate both microphone and web-cam. Each sheet will include name, surname, student id, and it will be signed. A picture of the sheets will be delivered to [[]]. 
-Registration to exams is mandatory (**look at the deadline for registering!**): [[|register here]]\\ 
-^  Date  ^  Hour  ^  Room  ^  Notes  ^ 
-|  19/01/2021  |  16:00 - 18:00  |  Online exam  |  | 
-|  09/02/2021  |  16:00 - 18:00  |  Online exam  |  | 
-=====Class calendar===== 
-**Distance-learning lessons**: see instructions for [[ | Google Meet]] and use the room code: 500PP. 
-^ ^ Date ^ Room ^ Topic ^ Learning material ^  
-|1| 25.02 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Introduction. Probability and independence. | **[T]** Chpts. 1-3 |  
-|2| 26.02 9:00-11:00 | A1 | R basics.    | **[R]** Chpts. 1,2.1,2.2 {{ :mds:smd:r_intro.pdf | slides}} {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr1.r | script1.R}} | 
-|3| 03.03 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Discrete random variables.    | **[T]** Chpt. 4 **[R]** Chpt. 3 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr2.r | script2.R}} |  
-|4| 04.03 9:00-11:00 | A1 | Continuous random variables. Simulation.  | **[T]** Chpts. 5, 6.1-6.2  **[R]** Chpt. 3 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr3.r | script3.R}} | 
-|5| 10.03 16:00-18:00 | Distance-learning | Recalls: derivatives and integrals. [[|rec01 audio-video (.flv)]]    | **[P]** Chpt. 1-8 {{ :mds:smd:2018smdrmath.r | scriptMath.R}}| 
-|6| 11.03 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning| Expectation and variance. R data access. [[|rec02 audio-video (.flv)]]   | **[T]** Chpt. 7 **[R]** Chpt. 2.4 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr4.r | script4.R}} | 
-|7| 17.03 16:00-18:00 | Distance-learning | R programming. Project presentation. [[|rec03 audio-video (.flv)]] and [[|project info audio-video (.flv)]] | **[R]** Chpt. 2.3 {{ :mds:smd:r_intro_exercise.r | exercise.R}} {{ |}}  | 
-|8| 18.03 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning | Project presentation. Power laws and Zipf laws. [[|rec04 audio-video (.flv)]] | [[ | Newman's paper]] Sect I, II, III(A,B,E,F) {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr6.r | script6.R}} | 
-|9| 24.03 16:00-18:00 | Distance-learning | Computations with random variables. Joint distributions. [[|rec05 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpts. 8-9 {{ |}} | 
-|10| 25.03 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning | Covariance. Sum of random variables. [[|rec06 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpts. 10-11 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr8.r | script8.R}} | 
-|11| 31.03 16:00-18:00 | Distance-learning | Law of large numbers. The central limit theorem. [[|rec07 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpts. 13-14 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr9.r | script9.R}} | 
-|12| 1.04 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning | Graphical summaries. [[|rec08 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpt. 15 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr10.r | script10.R}} | 
-|13| 7.04 16:00-18:00 | Distance-learning | Numerical summaries. Data preprocessing in R. Q&A on the project. [[|rec09 audio-video (.flv)]], [[|project data audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpt. 16, **[R]** Chpts. 4,10 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr11.r | script11.R}}, {{ :mds:smd:dataprep.r | dataprep.R}} | 
-|14| 8.04 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning | Unbiased estimators. Efficiency and MSE. [[|rec10 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpts. 17.1-17.3, 19, 20 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr12.r | script12.R}}  | 
-|<del>XX</del>| <del>15.04 9:00-11:00</del> |  | No lesson on this date. Students work on the project on their own. |  | 
-|15| 21.04 16:00-18:00 | Distance-learning | Maximum likelihood. Fisher information.[[|rec11 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpt. 21 {{ :mds:smd:notes1.pdf |}} {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr13.r | script13.R}} | 
-|16| 22.04 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning | Simple linear and polynomial regression. Least squares. [[|rec12 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpts. 17.4,22 **[R]** Chpts. 6,12.1 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr14.r | script14.R}} | 
-|17| 28.04 16:00-18:00 | Distance-learning | Multiple, non-linear, and logistic regression. [[|rec13 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[R]** Chpt. 13,16.1-16.2 {{ :mds:smd:notes2.pdf |}} {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr15.r | script15.R}} | 
-|18| 29.04 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning | Confidence intervals: Gaussian, T-student, large sample method. [[|rec14 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpts. 23.1,23.2,23.4, 24.3,24.4 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr16.r | script16.R}} | 
-|19| 05.05 16:00-18:00 | Distance-learning | Confidence intervals in linear regression. Empirical bootstrap. Application to confidence intervals. [[|rec15 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpts. 18.1,18.2,23.3 {{ :mds:smd:notes2.pdf |}} {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr17.r | script17.R}} | 
-|20| 06.05 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning | Parametric bootstrap. Hypotheses testing. [[|rec16 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpts. 18.3,25 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr18.r | script18.R}} | 
-|21| 12.05 16:00-18:00 | Distance-learning | One-sample t-test and application to linear regression. [[|rec17 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpts. 26-27, **[R]** Chpts. 5.1,5.2 {{ :mds:smd:notes2.pdf |}} {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr19.r | script19.R}} | 
-|22| 13.05 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning | Goodness of fit: chi-square, K-S. Fitting power laws. [[|rec18 audio-video (.flv)]] | {{ :mds:smd:ks.pdf | K-S}} {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr20.r | script20.R}} | 
-|<del>XX</del>| <del>19.05 16:00-18:00</del> |  | No lesson on this date. Students work on the project on their own. |  | 
-|23| 20.05 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning| Hypotheses testing: F-test, comparing two samples. [[|rec19 audio-video (.flv)]] | **[T]** Chpts. 28, **[R]** Chpts. 5.3-5.7 {{ :mds:smd:2019smdr21.r | script21.R}} | 
-|<del>XX</del>| <del>26.05 16:00-18:00</del> |  | No lesson on this date. Students work on the project on their own. |  | 
-|24| 27.05 9:00-11:00 | Distance-learning | Project tutoring. [[|rec20 audio-video (.flv)]] |    | 
-=====Previous years===== 
-  * [[mds:smd:2019|Statistical Methods for Data Science A.Y. 2018/19]] 
-  * [[mds:smd:2018|Statistical Methods for Data Science A.Y. 2017/18]] 
-  * [[mds:smd:2017|Statistical Methods for Data Science A.Y. 2016/17]] 
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