===== FastFlow ===== This page hosts the material used for the 2013/14 course of SPM related to FastFlow. ==== Download ==== Current public version of FastFlow may be downloaded from: * http://sourceforge.net/projects/mc-fastflow/ The svn version is the most recent one (the tarball is usually older than the svn version), therefore use a svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mc-fastflow/code/fastflow/ff to donwload the most recent version (this command only donwloads the sources, using a svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mc-fastflow/code/fastflow/tests you'll download the test programs, taking away the last dir name, you'll get everything). ==== Wiki ==== Current wiki page for FastFlow can be found at: * http://calvados.di.unipi.it/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=ffnamespace:about The page also hosts pointers to related publications and material. ==== Lesson: 29 october 2013 ==== * [[ff29_pipe1|Code]] for the one stage pipeline * [[ff29_pipe3|Code]] for the three stage pipeline * [[ff29_pipefar|Code]] for the three stage pipeline with a farm as second stage * [[ff29_pipe3c11|Code]] for the three stage pipeline using C++11 features ==== Lesson: 30 october 2013 ==== * [[ff30_farmpipe|Code]] of the farm with pipeline workers * [[ff30_masterworker|Code]] of the master worker * [[ff30_mwmap|Code]] of the master worker with explicit mapping * [[ff30_swacc|Code]] of software accelerator * [[ff30_map|Code]] of map ==== Lesson: 27 november 2013 ==== * [[ff27_mapfarm|Code]] of the mapfarm * [[ff27_dotprod|Code]] of the dotprod * [[ff27_parfortest|Code]] of the parfortest * [[ff27_farmfarm|Code]] of the distributed farm of farms