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Strumenti di programmazione per sistemi paralleli e distribuiti

The page is currently under construction FIXME

Teacher: Dr. Massimo Coppola

Contact info
e-mail :
Phone : 050 315 2992
Office location : CNR Reseach Area, ISTI-CNR, Building C, room 33

Course info

  • This page concerns the SPD course (535AA) for the academic year 2017-2018, which gives you 6 credits.
  • Be sure to alway check the NEWS section in this page.
  • Information about past editions of the SPD course can be found at the following links.


1-core, 32-core and 1680-core RISC-V development boards.


Monday 16-18 N1 (Polo Fibonacci)
Wednesday 16-18 N1 (Polo Fibonacci)
Friday 16-18 TBD (Polo Fibonacci)
  • See also the Dept. official timetable.
  • In case of exceptions, notice will be given in the News section below in this page and by email to the students.

Question time
Students should contact the teacher in advance by phone / e-mail. A different time can be agreed upon if needed.


News and Updates

  • First lesson is on Monday 19/2
  • There is a conflict with the SPM course on Wednesday afternoon, schedule will change starting the second week to Friday afternoon. The second lesson of the first week is not yet scheduled.
  • Lessons to be rescheduled : the lessons on the 12/03 and on the 27/4 will be rescheduled due to conflicts with other work commitments.

Course Journal

The course journal is a separate page in this wiki.

Project Work


Aim of the Course

The course will provide a description and analysis of a few key parallel and distributed programming platforms and models, starting from their theoretical foundations, where not covered by previous courses, and focusing on (1) existing standards for platforms and programming systems and (2) State-of-the-art solutions. The course will include practical use of those systems to develop simple applications.

  • See the presentation slides here on the C.S. Dept. website.

Overall Program

The course will cover the following topics.

  • Parallel Programming systems/frameworks
    • MPI message-passing programming (the core part of the MPI 2.2 standard)
    • TBB Thread Building Blocks Multicore oriented, shared-memory programming framework
    • Massively Multicore computation and GPGPU frameworks: OpenCL (references to CUDA, Brooks+ possibly)
    • ASSIST a framework for parallel high-level parallel programming with autonomic management
  • Example Applications
    • K-means
  • Foundation, Technologies
    • Elementary mechanisms to distribute computation: message passing, shared memory, massive multicore
    • Basics of scheduling algorithms and resource management
    • Basics of Service Oriented Architectures SOA
  • Service oriented Platforms, Cloud Computing and Cloud Federations
    • Contrail
    • OpenNebula, Open Stack, Rackspace
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spd/start.1519143891.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 20/02/2018 alle 16:24 (7 anni fa) da Massimo Coppola

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