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magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:lezioni18.19 [06/05/2019 alle 12:26 (6 anni fa)] – [Journal] Massimo Coppolamagistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:lezioni18.19 [26/07/2019 alle 16:26 (5 anni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Slides, Notes and References to papers] Massimo Coppola
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   * 08/04/2019 **TBB** -- Thread Building Blocks : C++ template library overview: purpose, abstraction mechanisms and implementation layers (templates, runtime, supported abstractions, use of C++ concepts). **Seminar** Real-Time in Heterogeneous High-performance Systems (Dr. Matteo Andreozzi, ARM) //Co-location of multiple workloads on a single system allows to improve its resources utilization, allows resources re-use and improves the efficiency of data sharing across workloads. This, however, comes at the cost of potential performance degradation due to interference on shared resources, and increased uncertainty in terms of workload performance predictability. The seminar provided an overview about how the System Architecture team in Arm approaches these challenges and how modelling and performance analysis play a central role in the activity.//    * 08/04/2019 **TBB** -- Thread Building Blocks : C++ template library overview: purpose, abstraction mechanisms and implementation layers (templates, runtime, supported abstractions, use of C++ concepts). **Seminar** Real-Time in Heterogeneous High-performance Systems (Dr. Matteo Andreozzi, ARM) //Co-location of multiple workloads on a single system allows to improve its resources utilization, allows resources re-use and improves the efficiency of data sharing across workloads. This, however, comes at the cost of potential performance degradation due to interference on shared resources, and increased uncertainty in terms of workload performance predictability. The seminar provided an overview about how the System Architecture team in Arm approaches these challenges and how modelling and performance analysis play a central role in the activity.// 
   * <del>11/04/2019</del> Rescheduled   * <del>11/04/2019</del> Rescheduled
-  * 15/04/2019 **TBB** +  * 15/04/2019 **TBB** TBB introduction. Develompment history and current status: abstraction and implementation layers. Task-based description vs thread-based one, scalability and automatic management of hierarchical parallelism. Basic abstractions and algorithms.  
-  * 29/04/2019 **TBB** +  * 29/04/2019 **TBB** Parallel_for : ranges, partitioners, grain size for parallelism exploitation. C++ lambda expressions. 
-  * 02/05/2019 **TBB LAB** +  * 02/05/2019 **MPI LAB** Correction and discussion of previously assigned MPI exercises.  
-  * 06/05/2019 **TBB LAB** +  * 06/05/2019 **TBB LAB** Basic examples of TBB parallel for. Performing parallel computations on ranges and returning computation results. 
-  * 09/05/2019 +  * 09/05/2019 (3h 14:30 -- 17:30) **TBB** TBB parallel containers: variants of maps, queues and vectors with higher concurrent performance and modified semantics with respect to STL. **TBB LAB** Mandelbrot set computation with a parallel for. 
-  * 13/05/2019 +  * <del>13/05/2019</del> Rescheduled 
-  * 16/05/2019 +  * 16/05/2019 (3h 14:30 -- 17:30) **TBB** TBB mutexes variants and their usage. Explicitly setting the thread-parallelism level (Task Scheduler, Task Arena). **TBB LAB** Experiments with Mandelbrot parallel for with varying thread count and computation load. 
-  * 20/05/2019 +  * 20/05/2019 **OpenCL** OpenCL intro. Design concepts and programming abstractions: Devices/host interaction, context, kernel, command queues; execution model; memory spaces and memory consistency in OpenCL. 
-  * 23/05/2019 +  * 23/05/2019 (3h 14:00 -- 17:00) **OpenCL** OpenCL C/C++ subset for kernels; kernel compilation, program objects, memory objects and kernel arguments, code execution, kernel instances and workgroups, workgroup synchronization; portability and chances for load balancing: mapping OpenCL code onto both the GPU and the CPU; examples of vector types and vector operations. Basic concepts of OpenCL 1 applied to program contruction: simple array operations, matrix multiplication and related workgroup optimizations, simple parallel reduction and thread cooperation. 
-  * 27/05/2019 +  * <del>27/05/2019</del> rescheduled due to EU election break. 
-  * 30/05/2019+  * 28/05/2019 **OpenCL** OpenCL 1.2 and beyond. OpenCL event generation and handling (event barriers) for inter-queue, non local synchronization. OpenCL 2.0 and 2.1 features: shared virtual memory (GPU/CPU memory space overlaying); nested kernels and recursive parallelism without host/device interaction; generic address space as a tool to avoid source code duplication; C11 atomics in OpenCL 2.0; pipes. OpenCL 2.1: moving towards the use of a proper subset of C++14 for kernels (e.g. templates, overloading, lambda f.), allowing single-source joint OpenCL and non-OpenCL programming (SYCL) and providing a more homogeneous and organized semantics. The SPIR-V interoperable, symbolic GPU machine code representation and its use in the LLVM based development toolset.  
 +  * 30/05/2019 (3h 14:00 -- 17:00) **OpenCL LAB** Exercises from the GIT examples: exercises 4 and 5 (vector addition), 6 (matrix multiplication), 7 and 8 (exploiting private memory).
 ====Slides, Notes and References to papers==== ====Slides, Notes and References to papers====
Linea 39: Linea 40:
 | 21/03  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:mpi-lesson6.pdf |MPI Lesson 6}} |     | | 21/03  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:mpi-lesson6.pdf |MPI Lesson 6}} |     |
 | 25/03, 28/03  |  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd13-14-paralleldatamining_notes_ch2_3.pdf | Introductory notes about Data Mining}} {{ |Dhillon and Modha Tech.R. on K-means}} {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2016:k-means3.tgz |Sequential reference code for K-means}}  |   | | 25/03, 28/03  |  | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd13-14-paralleldatamining_notes_ch2_3.pdf | Introductory notes about Data Mining}} {{ |Dhillon and Modha Tech.R. on K-means}} {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2016:k-means3.tgz |Sequential reference code for K-means}}  |   |
-| TBB - 04/2019        {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:tbb-lesson1.pdf |}}  {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:tbb-lesson2.pdf |}} {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:tbb-lesson3.pdf |}}  |  |  |+| TBB - 04-05/2019       | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:tbb-lesson1.pdf |}}  {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:tbb-lesson2.pdf |}} {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:tbb-lesson3.pdf |}} {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:tbb-lesson4.pdf |}}  | These presentations cover the TBB lessons scattered over April and May. TBB exercises have been added to the exercise collection {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:exercise-collected.pdf |Collection of exercises}} |  
 +| OpenCL 20/05, 23/05| {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2015:opencl-intro-tim-mattson.pdf |Open CL 1.0 intro and tutorial}} |  | [[ | about SYCL on Khronos portal]] [[| See SYCL specification 1.2. from April 2019]]| 
 +| OpenCL 28/05, 30/05 | {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2018:opencl_e_survey.pdf |Open CL changes from 1.0 to 2.0}} {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:2019:ocl_g_opencl_sycl_2019.pdf |OpenCL 2019 IWOCL Keynote}} | For the OpenCL lab session, on latest OSX remember to define CL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION in order to avoid spurious warnings  | [[| GIT URL to HandsOnOpenCL Exercises]] 
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