====== Parallel and Distributed Algorithms 2010-2011 ====== ===== General informations ===== * Teacher: [[http://www.di.unipi.it/~pagli/|Linda Pagli]], office hours: thursday 16-18, room 277/DE, Dept of Informatica * Lectures schedule: * Tuesday 16-18 room C; * Thursday 14-16 room B; *Code: 284AA; *Credits: 6 CFU. *Grade: Determined by a written test. *Semester: First. ===== Objectives ===== The goal of the course is to introduce the main algorithmic techniques in the framework of parallel and distributed models of computing; to define the most significant complexity parameters and the computational limits of parallelism and concurrency. Finally computational tools to design and analyze parallel and distributed algorithms are given. ===== Course Outline ===== == Models of computation == * The PRAM model * Other models for parallel computation. * The distributed model. == Design and analysis of parallel algorithms == * Prefix sums, List Ranking, Euler tour. * Standard techniques and inner sequential problems. == Design and analysis of distributed algorithms == * Communication complexity. * Control algorithms. * Fault tolerant algorithms . * Distributed data manipulation. == Classical examples == * Coordination and Control. * Broadcast e Spanning tree. * Computation on trees: Saturation, functions evaluation. * Election on Ring and other networks. * Routing. ===== Announcements ===== * Seminar's evaluation and registrations: Thursday 27/1/2011 14-16, room B. ===== Course Material ===== === Text Book === Nicola Santoro. **Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms**, Whiley ed., 2007\\ Look also at [[http://www.scs.carleton.ca/~santoro/DADA.html|the official website of the text book]]. {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-1.pdf|Chapter 1}} {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-2.pdf|Chapter 2}} {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-3.pdf|Chapter 3}} {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:alp:alp1011:chapter-4.pdf|Chapter 4}} === Slides === The slides of the lectures are available here. [[.lucidi:|slides]] === Lectures === * [[http://unimap.unipi.it/registri/dettregistriNEW.php?re=49165::::&ri=3877|LIST OF LECTURES]]