====== Elaborazione del Linguaggio Naturale ====== ** Laurea Magistrale**: [[http://compass2.di.unipi.it/didattica/wif18/|Informatica]]. **Docente**: [[http://www.di.unipi.it/~attardi|Giuseppe Attardi]] **Ricevimento**: Friday, 11:00 ^ Schedule ^^^ ^ Day ^ Hour ^ Room ^ | Thursday| 11-13 | N1, Polo Fibonacci | | Friday| 16-18 | N1, Polo Fibonacci | ====== Forum ====== Forum on [[https://piazza.com/class/itzo486y1fz2e1|Piazza]] ====== Prerequisites ====== - Basic Probability and Statistics - Programming ====== Syllabus====== - Introduction - History - Present and Future - NLP and the Web - Mathematical Background - Probability and Statistics - Language Model - Hidden Markov Model - Viterbi Algorithm - Generative vs Discriminative Models - Linguistic Essentials - Part of Speech and Morphology - Phrase structure - Collocations - n-gram Models - Word Sense Disambiguation - Word Embeddings - Preprocessing - Encoding - Regular Expressions - Segmentation - Tokenization - Normalization - Machine Learning Basics - Text Classification and Clustering -Tagging - Part of Speech - Named Entity - Sentence Structure - Constituency Parsing - Dependency Parsing - Semantic Analysis - Statistical Machine Translation - Deep Learning - Libraries - NLTK - Theano/Keras - Tensorflow - Applications - Opinion Mining - Entity Linking - Semantic Search - Question Answering - Language Inference ====== Lecture Notes ====== ^ Date ^ Lecture ^ Notes ^ | 22/9/2016 | L'età della parola| {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:etadellaparola.pptx|L'età della parola}} | | 23/9/2016 | Introduction |{{:magistraleinformatica:eln:1-intro.pptx|Introduction}} | | 29/9/2016 | Introduction to probability ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:2-probability.ppt|Probability}})| | | 30/9/2016 | Language Modeling ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:2-languagemodeling.ppt|Language Modeling}})| {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:languagemodel.ipynb.zip|Jupyter Notebook}}| | 6/10/2016 | Python Tutorial ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:3-python.ppt|Tutorial}}) | [[https://github.com/rajathkumarmp/Python-Lectures|Python Tutorial Notebook]]| | 7/10/2016 | Python Tutorial and examples ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:3-python-generators.pdf|Python: Functionals and Generators}}) |{{:magistraleinformatica:eln:homework_12-1.pdf|Homework 1}} | | 13/10/2016 | Introduction to NLTK ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:4-nltk.ppt|slides}}) | | | 14/10/2016 | Segmentation and Tokenization ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:5-tokenization.ppt|slides}}) | | | 20/10/2016 | Text Classification ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:4-textclassification.pptx|slides}})| | | 21/10/2016 | Naive Bayes Classifier ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:4-textclassification.pptx|slides}}) |{{:magistraleinformatica:eln:homework_16-2.pdf|Homework n. 2}} | | 27/10/2016 | Maximum Entropy Models ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:8-classifiers.ppt|slides}}) | | | 28/10/2016 | Hidden Markov Model ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:6-hmm.ppt|slides}}) | | | 10/11/2016 | Named Entity Recognition ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:7-ner.ppt|slides}}) | | | 11/11/2016 | MEMM ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:7-ner.ppt|slides}}) | | | 17/11/2016 | Perceptron, SVM ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:8-classifiers.ppt|}}) | | | 19/11/2016 | Deep Learning Libraries | {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:keras-mnist-tutorial.zip|}}| | 24/11/2016 | Dependency Formalism ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:esslli1.pdf|slides}}) | | | 25/11/2016 | Dependency Parsing ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:11-parsing.ppt|Transition Based}})| {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:topicsandprojects.ppt|Topics for Seminars and Projects}} | | 1/12/2016 | Dependency Parsing ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:esslli4.pdf|Graph Based }})| | | 2/12/2016 | Sentiment Analysis{{:magistraleinformatica:eln:13-opinionmining.ppt|}} | | | | Deep Learning [[http://nlp.stanford.edu/courses/NAACL2013/NAACL2013-Socher-Manning-DeepLearning.pdf|Deep Learning Tutorial at NAACL 2013]] | [[https://github.com/jdwittenauer/ipython-notebooks/tree/master/notebooks|ML Course by Andrew Ng]]| | | Deep Learning for NLP {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:deepnl.pptx| DL and the DeepNL Library}} | | | 15/12/2016 | Machine Translation ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:13-smt.ppt|MT}}) ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:14-smt.ppt|PBMT}})| | | | PB SMT ({{:magistraleinformatica:eln:phrase-model.pdf|Phrase Tables}}, {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:phrase-decoding.pdf|Decoding}}, {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:evaluation.pdf|Evaluation}}) | | | 16/12/2016 | {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:universaldependencies.ppt| Universal Dependencies}} | | | | State of the Art in Sentiment Analysis of Tweets [[http://www.saifmohammad.com/WebDocs/web-Atlanta-Talk-SemEval2013-Sentiment.pdf|NRC Canada at SemEval 2013]] | | | | Relation Extraction {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:12-relextraction.ppt|}} | | | | {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:tsunamidlovernlp.pptx|The tsunami of Deep Learning over NLP }}| | | | Andrew Ng | [[https://www.dropbox.com/s/dyjdq1prjbs8pmc/NIPS2016%20-%20Pages%202-6%20(1).pdf|Nuts and Bolts of Building Applications using Deep Learning]] | ====== Textbooks ====== - C. Manning, H. Schutze. [[http://nlp.stanford.edu/fsnlp/promo/|Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing]]. MIT Press, 2000. - D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin, [[http://www.cs.colorado.edu/~martin/slp2.html|Speech and Language Processing]]. 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 2008. See also upcoming 3rd edition. - S. Kubler, R. McDonald, J. Nivre. [[http://www.morganclaypool.com/doi/abs/10.2200/S00169ED1V01Y200901HLT002|Dependency Parsing]]. 2010. - P. Koehn. [[http://www.statmt.org/book/|Statistical Machine Translation]]. Cambridge University Press, 2010. - S. Bird, E. Klein, E. Loper. [[http://www.nltk.org/book| Natural Language Processing with Python]]. - I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, A. Courville. [[http://www.deeplearningbook.org/| Deep Learning]]. MIT Press, 2016. - M. Nielsen. [[http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com| Neural Networks and Deep Learning]]. ====== Related Courses ====== [[http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224n/|Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning]], Stanford. [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3FW7Lu3i5Jsnh1rnUwq_TcylNr7EkRe6|Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning, video lectures]], Stanford. ====== Exam ====== Project or seminar. {{:magistraleinformatica:eln:topicsandprojects.ppt|Topics for projects and seminars}} ====== Evalita 2015 Projects ====== * SentiPolc: Sentiment Polarity in Twitter. Primo classificato. * NeelIt: Named Entity Recognition and Linking in Twitter. Primo classificato ====== Affine courses ====== - Apprendimento Automatico: Fondamenti - Data Mining: fondamenti - Information Retrieval - Sistemi Basati sulla Conoscenza ====== Edizioni Precedenti ====== * [[http://didawiki.di.unipi.it/doku.php/magistraleinformatica/eln/start?rev=1307549824|2010-2011]] * [[http://didawiki.di.unipi.it/doku.php/magistraleinformatica/eln/start?rev=1335197471|2011-2012]] * [[http://didawiki.di.unipi.it/doku.php/magistraleinformatica/eln/start?rev=1370280570|2012-2013]] * [[http://didawiki.di.unipi.it/doku.php/magistraleinformatica/eln/start?rev=1400671809|2013-2014]] * [[http://didawiki.di.unipi.it/doku.php/magistraleinformatica/eln/start?rev=1433408423|2014-2015]] * [[http://didawiki.di.unipi.it/doku.php/magistraleinformatica/eln/start?rev=1474461123|2015-2016]]