
Big Data Analytics A.A. 2020/21

WARNING: All lectures of the First Semester of the academic year 2020/21, until 31/12/2020, will be provided exclusively remotely, through the Teams team named “599AA 20/21 - BIG DATA ANALYTICS [WDS-LM]” (

ATTENZIONE: Tutte le lezioni frontali del Primo Semestre dell’a.a. 2020/21, fino al 31/12/2020, verranno erogate esclusivamente in modalità a distanza, attraverso il canale Teams “599AA 20/21 - BIG DATA ANALYTICS [WDS-LM]” (

Instructors - Docenti:

Timetable (

Team Registration: build up teams of 3 or 4 students and register your team here, by September 27th:

For students without a team: send an email to Luca Pappalardo to notify that you are without a team by September 30th.

Only for the registered teams, express your preference for the datasets by September 30th

Dataset assignment: at thie following link, each team can find the dataset assigned for the project –>

Instructions for mid term 1: The first mid term presentation (data understanding and project proposal) will be on October 19th (BigProblem, Global, MMG, I TeamIDI) and October 20th (Bei Dati Acrobatici, Malucs, AMS Group).

Instructions for mid term 2: The second mid term presentation (model(s) implementation and evaluation) will be on November 16th (BigProblem, Global, MMG, I TeamIDI) and November 17th (Bei Dati Acrobatici, Malucs, AMS Group).

Paper presentation:

Instructions for mid term 3: The third mid term presentation (model(s) interpretation and explanation) will be on December 7th (BigProblem, Global, MMG, I TeamIDI) and December 8th (Bei Dati Acrobatici, Malucs, AMS Group).

Examples of projects from past years:

Instructions for exam:

Learning goals

In our digital society, every human activity is mediated by information technologies, hence leaving digital traces behind. These massive traces are stored in some, public or private, repository: phone call records, movement trajectories, soccer-logs and social media records are all examples of “Big Data”, a novel and powerful “social microscope” to understand the complexity of our societies. The analysis of big data sources is a complex task, involving the knowledge of several technological and methodological tools. This course has three objectives:

Module 1: Big Data Analytics and Social Mining

In this module, analytical methods and processes are presented thought exemplary cases studies in challenging domains, organized according to the following topics:

Module 2: Big Data Analytics Technologies

This module will provide to the students the technologies to collect, manipulate and process big data. In particular the following tools will be presented:

Module 3: Laboratory for Interactive Project Development

During the course, teams of students will be guided in the development of a big data analytics project. The projects will be based on real-world datasets covering several thematic areas. Discussions and presentation in class, at different stages of the project execution, will be performed.


14/09 (Mod. 1) Introduction to the course, The Big Data scenario lesson1_introduction_to_the_course_bda2021.pdf

15/09 (Mod. 2) Python for Data Science and the Jupyter Notebook: developing open-source and reproducible data science

21/09 No Lesson (Election Day in Italy)

22/09 (Mod. 3) Presentation of datasets for projects bda20_21_datasets_1_.pdf

28/09 (Mod. 2) Scikit-learn: programming tools for data mining (part 1):


05/10 No Lesson (SocInfo2020 conference)

06/10 No Lesson (SocInfo2020 conference)

12/10 (Mod. 2) Geopandas and scikit-mobility: managing geographic data in Python (part 1)

13/10 (Mod. 2) Geopandas and scikit-mobility: managing geographic data in Python (part 2)

19/10 (Mod. 3) 1st Mid Term - first group of teams

20/10 (Mod. 3) 1st Mid Term - second group of teams

26/10 (Mod. 3) Discussion and group working on projects

27/10 (Mod. 3) Discussion and group working on projects

02/11 (Mod. 1) Nowcasting well-being with big data bda_wellbeing.pdf

03/11 (Mod. 1) Injury prediction in sports with AI bda_2020_injury_forecasting.pdf

09/11 (Mod. 3) Discussion and group working on projects

10/11 (Mod. 1) Trustworthy data mining and Explainable AI parti1.explainableai-10.11.2020.pdf

16/11 (Mod. 3) 2nd Mid Term - first group of teams

17/11 (Mod. 3) 2nd Mid Term - second group of teams

23/11 (Mod. 3) Discussion and group working on projects

24/11 - No Lesson

30/11 (Mod. 3) Paper presentation

01/12 (Mod. 3) Paper presentation

07/12 (Mod. 3) 3rd Mid Term - first group of teams

08/12 (Mod. 3) 3rd Mid Term - second group of teams

Exam (Appelli)

Previous Big Data Analytics websites

Big Data Analytics A.A. 2019/20

Big Data Analytics A.A. 2018/19

Big Data Analytics A.A. 2017/18

Big Data Analytics A.A. 2016/17

Big Data Analytics A.A. 2015/16